Original drypoint print over a reduction relief print of 7 colours. Artwork of a child having tea by artist and printmaker Kristine MacGregor.
This print was a labour of love inspired by an aged photo found of my sister from the 60s. There were many hours of planning involved before I even started carving. From testing Ink colours and layering them on top of each other to be sure how each colour would work, to drawing out each carved layer with tracing paper to plan my steps. With a reduction block print, you only have one go at it. Starting with carving out your white area and then printing the first colour. In this case a pale yellow. Then you carve out anything you want to stay yellow and print the next colour. Building your layers and carving away from your block. The process taught me a lot about the Akua inks and the wonderful transparencies you can achieve with them.
This video shows the different layers of a reduction relief print using transparent Akua printmaking ink with a final drypoint print layer. Created by Kristine MacGregor.

One of the first big projects to break in the studio. Having lots of room to spread out was wonderful!